Wednesday, January 22, 2020

transition iep goal examples youtube series #1

Transition IEP goal examples series (goals are in the YouTube description for your convenience to copy and paste!) Check out these 2!

By (date), given access to a computer connected to the internet, (student name) will complete interest surveys and career assessments to identify careers of interest and related education/training requirements for those careers as measured by contents of Transition Portfolio documentation.

By (date), given access to a computer connected to the internet, (student name) will research and identify at least 5 possible 4-Year Colleges that match (his/her) needs by listing: the name and location of the college, the major(s)/degree(s) that lead to (his/her) career of interest, the GPA range, SAT/ACT score range, and the cost of each college for 2 out of 2 college identification exercises as measured by teacher observation and data collection.