It’s IEP time and you need to do an updated, “age-appropriate Transition assessment.” Ugh. Not that I mind transition assessments, I love all things Transition!
My district has transition assessments both formal and informal (Transition Planning Inventory - including the modified questionnaire for students with moderate to severe disabilities and Informal Assessments for Transition Planning). Both are great, but neither one of those options really met the needs of my students with more severe disabilities.
This Visual Student Interest Inventory is designed for students with moderate to severe disabilities, non-readers, and students who need picture text/picture symbols (Boardmaker, News 2 You, Proloquo2Go, etc.) to learn or communicate. This is an informal assessment to help you determine a student's strengths, preferences, and interests as part of Transition Planning and developing the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) part of the IEP.